Statute Concerning Alexander Kowalevsky Medal, an International Award Established by St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists

1. St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists reestablished Alexander Kowalevsky Medal, first established in the early 20th century as an international award in the field of comparative embryology, evolutionary developmental biology and comparative zoology.

2. The award consists of the award certificate and a bronze medal recapitulating the original of the early 20th century. The full name of the award is “Alexander Kowalevsky Medal for Extraordinary Achievements in Comparative Zoology and Embryology”.

3. Alexander Kowalevsky Medal is awarded to scientists for outstanding contributions to the understanding of evolutionary relations between major taxonomic groups of the animal kingdom and to the elaboration of evolutionary developmental biology and modem approaches in comparative zoology and embryology.

4. Alexander O. Kowalevsky, the author of classical studies on the embryology of ascidia, lancelets and many other invertebrates, laid the foundation of our knowledge of the phylogenetic relationships between the major groups of the animal kingdom. A century after his death, studies of equal importance for understanding animal evolution can be made not only in the field of morphology and embryology but also in the field of molecular biology, genetics and other modern sciences. In recognition of the fact that the influence of Kowalevsky’s scientific heritage stretches far beyond the areas of his interest, St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists reestablished the medal as an award for developing state-of-the-art approaches to embryological and evolutionary studies.

5. Decisions concerning the award are taken by the Academic Council of St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists by a simple majority vote.

6. Candidates are selected by the International Committee on the Alexander Kowalevsky Medal (hereafter referred to as the Committee) consisting of 7-9 members appointed by the Academic Council of the Society yearly. The Chairman of the committee is a member of the Society. The Committee addresses the leading international scientists working in evolutionary morphology and developmental biology, asking them to name a candidate for the award. For the sake of objectivity and fairness, the Committee shall ensure, if possible, the nomination of scientists from different countries, working in the fields covered by the topic of the award. Based on this nomination and taking into consideration the rating of the candidates suggested by the international nominators, the Committee selects the award winner.

7. Alexander Kowalevsky Medal is awarded annually in November.

8. The medal and the certificate are awarded to the winner in person, if possible during a special ceremony, at the plenary meeting of St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists in St. Petersburg or, that being impossible, elsewhere (preferably at a meeting of an international or national scientific association of which the winner is a member) by the person empowered to act for the Society.

9. Each case of awarding the medal is made known to the scientific community by the announcement of the award winner on the Society website.

President of St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists D.Yu. Vlasov

Secretary of St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists M.A. Savchenko